Monday, October 25, 2010

Wrestling Singlets Breast Cancer


Dumb Eye: the silly flow of time "is the title of my staff who recently completed (1 to October 20) in Stockholm Carina at Björck Galleri in the heart of old town, Gamla Stan. This is the first step in a new series of exhibitions, located on a tour through several European cities. Soon, I hope, about new updates.
This is the text of introduction to the exhibition is in English and please excuse the lack of translation:

"In 1928’s silent movie adaptation of Victor Hugo’s novel The man who laughs , directed by Paul Leni, the main way for the disfigured Gwynplaine (played by an impressive Conrad Veidt) to express his own feelings was through his eyes and his tears.
Tears. Eyes as a source of unespected water, coming from a secret spring, buried in the depths of the human chest. The eye is dumb in cause of this unconscious flow of liquid, determined by unconditioned feelings, something can’t be controlled or kept inside, something that’s leaving our bodies such life itself, day by day, drip by drip.
During the Middle Ages the everflowing water was a portrait of Time and accordingly, of Death: a delicate balance, where Life gave place to Death, moving silent on dragon coils (an emblemata of water itself).
So Time is flowing silent, silent as the poor Gwynplaine.
Water rolling down from the eyes of Infinity, bringing further down the spiral, to the depths of a distant land, a dangerous Shamballa where everything i s far, where everything is close to us.
I often put together the main focus points of interest in my artwork: isolation, strange creatures (sometimes funny), plain colours, hearts, lack of communication, tears and of course, eyes. Developing a new frontier into my artistic production: here it is the Dumb series Eye. "

If everything went well I owe it to many people, from Italy to Sweden and then back to me accompanied, as an invisible red thread: so thanks to Seba, Moni and his providential suitcase to Paul , Viola & Giamba for giving me (as always) for asylum at their home in Milan and worked the camera (I had forgotten my own) with which I could describe the setting and the vernissage of the exhibition. Thanks to Marcus & Sanna for hosting me (and others) in their study to Ä rstaberg, in the rare moments where I could pause to rest and watch Swedish night, accompanied by the sound of the radio emitting an indistinguishable mix of pop, folk and Scandinavian deejay from deep voices and incomprehensible. With Kristiina to be able to arrive in time for dinner with us the evening of the vernissage. Many thanks to Carina Björck for the trust and Jesper , Mats, Nicole and all the people who took part and David, Sere & Sofi for accepting a sleepy vampire in direttura arrival from Stockholm to Rome with a flight of luck Ethiopian airline in the night of Oct. 2.
For the complete photo tour, I refer you to my fan page on Facebook, if you are registered just to click HERE to enter. Soon other images featured in the ossuary.
Enjoy & Stay tuned.


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