Saturday, October 30, 2010

Side Effects Of Sweet N' Low


Yes, I wrote well, with a question mark rather dell'esclamativo.
Macchissenefrega if our cities do not work nearly every ecological islands, which stands next to a sign in plain view of us that have been made with community funds.
Macchissenefrega, so there are new bins different: often overcrowded, most of the time displaced and distributed, as it happens, there's only one glass, all alone that of plastic, not always those present paper and cardboard.
Macchissenefrega if the collection is at present the only way to limit the ecological disasters from waste, with the appurtenances (environmental, social and public health) and some years we are learning to know, despite the inevitable complaints and bad information.
Macchissenefrega, then if the landfills are full, and you then realize at other sites, or worse to build incinerators, which nobody wants and that instead the public will accept and digest the vanguard of civilization and technology.
Here they are our ecological islands in video shot this morning, led flashing mocking, as if to reproach ourselves to be deluded, as if to say:

did not really think I was regularly running?

Back to the topic in question: macchissenefrega?
Or rather, who should give a damn about the functioning of ecological islands, who is responsible for their maintenance?
could, at least, indicate a telephone number for reporting in case of malfunction: too complicated?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Preview Fashion Show Wording

Cheverny castles

Cheverny is the castle that I most enjoyed ever!
Was it because the beautiful park surrounding it, for its architecture so different from the other or its richly decorated rooms ...
do not know, I just know that I'm in love!
Now I'm bored a bit 'with its history, of course, is not my bag of flour, but taken from a book on the castles of the Loire that I bought.

Raoul Hurault Cheverny was built in a fortified castle in the first half of the 500, but at his death his widow sold the property passed into the hands Diane de Poitiers, who in turn sold it in 1565 to the son of Raoul, Comte de Cheverny Hurault Philippe d'Orleans and the governor.
Now bursts the drama that will lead to construction of the castle ...
The wife of Henry, son of Philip, betrayed him. Surprise on the fact the woman is poisoned while the squire offender is sentenced to death.
Henry then destroy the castle is the scene of the drama ...
remarries. And his second wife seems to be the inspiration for the construction of the castle. The building was completed in 1634.
successors are not interested in the property that was acquired by Dufort: the castle had been abandoned and it took 12 years to get it back to its former glory, transforming it into one of the best houses of the time.

In 1825 the castle came into the hands of Hurault. The Marquis of Philip
Hurault Vibraye was one of the first owners in France to understand that we need to open to the public the historic homes while continuing to live there.

The plan of the castle represents a break with the conception of the feudal castle, Cheverny is the first example of this classic style defined.
The equilibrium volumes and symmetry dominate this complex.
The real show, however, the apartments are: high quality furniture, tapestries, paintings attributed to Titian and Raphael ...
It seems to be received in a house still inhabited, and actually the descendants of the family still reside in a part of the castle!

To crown the wonder of this place is a beautiful park, a vegetable, the kennel with about 70 hunting dogs crossing Foxhound and Poitevin and a museum dedicated to Tintin, Hergé's comic book was born from the pen, whose adventures are set in a villa which is based right in the castle of Cheverny but excluding the two wings.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Are The Property Rates In Kharghar


Lucca lies!
I will stand with the XL Diavù Captain, Master Giacon Aleaaargh Giorgini, the Garibaldi Tuono Pettinato, the villain sommelier Maicol (& Mirco) and Prof. Pino Creanza and then Buff Monster, Brondi Vasco & Andrea Bruno, Mike Allred, Ken Niimura, Paul Levitz & Lee Bermejo, Giuseppe "cam" Camuncoli, Riccardo Burchielli, Alberto Ponticelli and Scott Morse! The undersigned
vampire gets tired at the following times: Friday 29
+ 10-13 16-20 14-20

Saturday 30 hours Sunday 31 hours Monday
10-13 + 16-20 + 16-20 12-14 1 hour
And for those who could not arrive in Lucca remember Saturday 30 at 21.00 I will be the guest of talk show "The Circle" hosted by the lovely Cecilia Zoppelletto on Antenna 3, together with Matteo and Dennis Dallan Betta! Click HERE
for streaming.
& Enjoy Stay tuned.

Temp. Visitor On Drivers License

I am back from my tour in France. I will stay another few days of Paul, Fointainebleau (maybe I can make a quick trip to Paris ...), and then go home.
The holiday was wonderful: beautiful places, great food and company was superb We have traveled with a couple of friends Maxim and Anastasia.

We left Paris, the first step in the castles of the Loire, and on to the Finally, Normandy and Champagne.
I have plenty of photos and select them was really a difficult task ...
begin by telling you about some castles that we visited in the first two days.


early as the ninth century there were reports of a first castle to be rebuilt in the mid-tenth century. from the Baro Count Thibaut of Blois.
The castle that we see now is the result of several changes. Many have stayed in Blois and each added something or made some changes.
Louis XII had built new houses within the walls of the old castle, three wings of brick and stone tunnels that open onto rooms and apartments. The decoration remains faithful to the Gothic tradition, even if sometimes the Italian elements appear.
His successor begins work on the transformation of the castle (1515-1524), they are abandoned in favor of the brick slabs of stone.
Gaston d'Orléans, son of Maria de 'Medici, in the first half of '600 plans to demolish the old castle to build a huge mansion, but was built on a single wing was left unfinished and went to replace the housing Anne of Brittany


E 'Chambord that Louis XII dicide to build his ideal royal residence in 1519 where they already was a fortified tower belonged to the Counts of Blois.
The end result is a wonderful "city" of steeples, towers, chimneys and lanterns! Surrounded by 5500 hectares of forests, of which one thousand visitability foot or horseback, the castle of Chambord is a wonderful fusion of human work and wonders of nature!


The oldest dates back to 1432 and was built on the banks of the Cher.
Later, Henry II gives the castle to his mistress Diane de Poitiers, who makes his home, creating gardens, surrounded by deep ditches and ordering, in 1555, the construction of a bridge over the Cher consisting of five arches.
the death of Henry II, his wife Catherine de 'Medici held back the castle and the bridge is complete with an elegant gallery for the holidays. Catherine
Gardens are located on the opposite side compared to its rival.
This castle is truly spectacular, one of the ones I was most impressed!

This is actually the hotel where we stayed the second night, a really charming and friendly place with a fabulous restaurant!
I recommend it highly, the price is really good (a double room € 60), breakfast is not included, but € 10 more you could do a royal breakfast with the delicious fresh-baked croissants!
The restaurant is a bit 'more expensive, but well worth it!

Tally7.2 Data Not Working Tally 9

Enough with the bla bla (beginning with this post)

Think about it: these are just ideas, which I agree, definitely useful.
not limit ourselves to dream ...

" I urge you to make your life a masterpiece, I urge you and challenge you to join the ranks of those who live what they teach, they do what they say ... the few who do, compared to the many who only have vague aspirations ...
I hope you are engaged not only to achieve the goals that you are responsible but, once they have made, to always proporvene others, not only to remain faithful to the dreams that you already have, but always dreamed of bigger and finally, I hope you are engaged not only to take what you can from this life, but to love and to give generously . "

Anthony Robbins

Monday, October 25, 2010

Wrestling Singlets Breast Cancer


Dumb Eye: the silly flow of time "is the title of my staff who recently completed (1 to October 20) in Stockholm Carina at Björck Galleri in the heart of old town, Gamla Stan. This is the first step in a new series of exhibitions, located on a tour through several European cities. Soon, I hope, about new updates.
This is the text of introduction to the exhibition is in English and please excuse the lack of translation:

"In 1928’s silent movie adaptation of Victor Hugo’s novel The man who laughs , directed by Paul Leni, the main way for the disfigured Gwynplaine (played by an impressive Conrad Veidt) to express his own feelings was through his eyes and his tears.
Tears. Eyes as a source of unespected water, coming from a secret spring, buried in the depths of the human chest. The eye is dumb in cause of this unconscious flow of liquid, determined by unconditioned feelings, something can’t be controlled or kept inside, something that’s leaving our bodies such life itself, day by day, drip by drip.
During the Middle Ages the everflowing water was a portrait of Time and accordingly, of Death: a delicate balance, where Life gave place to Death, moving silent on dragon coils (an emblemata of water itself).
So Time is flowing silent, silent as the poor Gwynplaine.
Water rolling down from the eyes of Infinity, bringing further down the spiral, to the depths of a distant land, a dangerous Shamballa where everything i s far, where everything is close to us.
I often put together the main focus points of interest in my artwork: isolation, strange creatures (sometimes funny), plain colours, hearts, lack of communication, tears and of course, eyes. Developing a new frontier into my artistic production: here it is the Dumb series Eye. "

If everything went well I owe it to many people, from Italy to Sweden and then back to me accompanied, as an invisible red thread: so thanks to Seba, Moni and his providential suitcase to Paul , Viola & Giamba for giving me (as always) for asylum at their home in Milan and worked the camera (I had forgotten my own) with which I could describe the setting and the vernissage of the exhibition. Thanks to Marcus & Sanna for hosting me (and others) in their study to Ä rstaberg, in the rare moments where I could pause to rest and watch Swedish night, accompanied by the sound of the radio emitting an indistinguishable mix of pop, folk and Scandinavian deejay from deep voices and incomprehensible. With Kristiina to be able to arrive in time for dinner with us the evening of the vernissage. Many thanks to Carina Björck for the trust and Jesper , Mats, Nicole and all the people who took part and David, Sere & Sofi for accepting a sleepy vampire in direttura arrival from Stockholm to Rome with a flight of luck Ethiopian airline in the night of Oct. 2.
For the complete photo tour, I refer you to my fan page on Facebook, if you are registered just to click HERE to enter. Soon other images featured in the ossuary.
Enjoy & Stay tuned.