Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Adjusting Gas Furnace

Center Summer Valley's finest street!

We're almost half of the second week and the time passes very quickly between games, trips, workshops ... even a little 'tasks.
This blog was created because we want to activate a communication channel, including via the web, with all those who are somehow involved in the Centre summer: families that every day we renewed confidence by entrusting their children, friends, administrators and Romanesia all that will follow us in this way "by near. "
Most of us use the Internet every day and we believe that the young must be accompanied to a proper and purposeful of such an important tool for their training.
For this reason we ask the boys of summer to document center their daily lives through writing, drawing and photography.
It 's the case of hope "in the mouth to the web!

Robi, Delia, Miriam, Helen, Georgia and all the brave youth!


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