Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Freeones Bulletin I Love Money

Today we will go to interest the provincial park on Lake Candia where we follow a trail.
For full details, click here.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Old Camera Schematics Of How It Work

The Constitution Center summer

speak one at a time
must not talk together, but booked his hand and ask for the floor.

Do not scream when you can avoid, for example in the speeches of the group.

No violence, no hits, no damage punches, kicks and does not pull hair.

not say bad words and not even make the rude gesture.

One must always respect, it must comply with the articles of other people without breaking or damaging them.

not pull the things at him.

not you write about clothes either on their own, nor those of the other.

must withdraw all together even if the things that they used the others.

Always tell the truth.

You should always make peace.

Respect the rules.

legislation Beatrice animator

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kates Playground Hrdcore


This is the third day of summer resorts, in these three days I've enjoyed: playing with friends, learning to be with others, having fun. This year I feel
greater because the adults and help for me is very nice.
I have known many leaders who did not know and I learned things I did not know.
David M. 11 years I get bored just

Center summer, do so many trips "centroestiviche," but we do not make crazy, I really like it. Anonymous

For me, the summer holiday was great because we got on the shelves. Sara

Some dull day, some days superbelle and fun. I recommend this summer camp. Alice

E 'cheerful and playful, a real summer. When you are in the circle I'm happy to talk to my friends. Francesca

This summer I really like the Centre and are happy. Loredana

Center For me this summer was nice, funny and creative.

E 'Center summer most of my life. Anonymous

It 'was so playful and fun. Chiara

E 'was fun. Alessandra

I liked playing. Giorgia

Center summer is quite nice, but the circle is useless. Federico

This summer I went to summer camp. The beginning I did not like it one bit, 'now, yes. With love

David M. 8 years

Center Summer is nice, but the circle for me because it is a bullshit I do nothing and wasting time. With love


This Centre Summer is nice, but there's one thing I do not like: the circle, is of no use except to say the rules. Anonymous

Center summer is a bit 'nice, but the circle is a bullshit because we are the hours. Anonymous

Center Summer is nice, but the circle is useless. Anonymous

Center summer is nice because you can do what you like, our entertainers are very good. Giorgia

E 'was very nice, very creative and playful. I did not expect it to be so beautiful, I thought you only did the tasks and they played only a little.
It 's very funny and then there are the entertainers very good, generous, funny and beautiful. Claudia

Friday, June 25, 2010

Is Penn Foster A Scam

We're on Facebook

Casafavola Onlus

Make your own badge

Wood Stocks Ruger 10.22

W pizzas

Today there was the cooking workshop and all are engaged in the production of excellent pizzas.
flour, yeast, water, tomato sauce, olives, mozzarella, ham, sausage, oil and salt.
Get a bowl, fill it with flour and make a hole in the middle. Fill it with water, just a ball, cover with a cloth, appiattiscila and make a big square. With the glass make the round shapes, spread the tomato sauce, then add olives, mozzarella cheese and sausages and cook.

Recipe transcribed by Iris V.

ps the dough must rise for an hour

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Accidentally Swallowed Listerine

Today trip to the "pole" north!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Old Rainbow Swing Set

poetry today! The film museum

One of the games of the day consisted of a test of writing poetry team.
Having identified a number of key words related to nature, the main theme of this summer holiday, children were asked to choose a word and try to build a rhyme with the word chosen. The phrases were grouped together so composed and formed a "poem team ".

Poetry of" pirate "(8-9 years)
While playing with the ball
meeting a beautiful butterfly.
The day I was born, there was a fragrant flower.
The doctor makes me puncture and meanwhile I look at nature.
Chlorophyll is like a flower that shines.
And 'My brother was born and is very beautiful as a flower.
Wheat grain, yellow yellow, I jump and dance after

of Poetry "Italians" (6-7 years)
Roses are pink
violets are purple dress
thanks, thanks for everything you are beautiful
We are happy and fragrant
and the Sea there is also tanned teeth.
The grain is brown
and I eat a biscuit. Wheat
six very good and I eat a ice cream. The butterfly flies

and dance while I play and I am glad
into a lively round dance that shakes the floor. The leaves are fragrant

grass and I was born.

The grape fell into the river and had to buy it but I am going to eat
trip to the lake and meet a magician.

A special mention goes to the poem that David M. (8 years) wanted to write alone.

Rain, love, sun
all bound by love.
air, wind and lightning, all as death.
E 'life and this can not be changed.

ps David, do not you stew ever write your own poems.

Interview Subject Etiquette

Thursday we had a wonderful trip to the Museum of Cinema in Turin.
We played a lot and we had fun together. There were many beautiful things including: the toilets in the fridge, a bed with television, the film with the train that came out in reality.
One of the most fun was the elevator, it seemed to fall, but then if you talk with the comrades we reassured.
After two hours we waited for the elevator because it was raining and when we came out a bit stuck 'in the sun.
Before taking the train we went to the "Parco del Gran Paradiso" (the gardens of Piazza Carlo Felice ed) where there was a fountain with stones that looked like a crocodile.
Ve recommend it because it is beautiful, there are beautiful things and beautiful.

George L., Alice M., Laura B.

Spanish Congratulations Long Happy Life

And the public debt?

morning, listening to a program on Radio24, I reflected a bit of political fiction and surroundings and I am asked a question in the case of secession, who bears the Italian public debt, or otherwise, as would be divided?
Leave everything to the "Rest of Italy"?
And no, we do not mess with us, it would be too good to reset everything and start from scratch ...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Adjusting Gas Furnace

Center Summer Valley's finest street!

We're almost half of the second week and the time passes very quickly between games, trips, workshops ... even a little 'tasks.
This blog was created because we want to activate a communication channel, including via the web, with all those who are somehow involved in the Centre summer: families that every day we renewed confidence by entrusting their children, friends, administrators and Romanesia all that will follow us in this way "by near. "
Most of us use the Internet every day and we believe that the young must be accompanied to a proper and purposeful of such an important tool for their training.
For this reason we ask the boys of summer to document center their daily lives through writing, drawing and photography.
It 's the case of hope "in the mouth to the web!

Robi, Delia, Miriam, Helen, Georgia and all the brave youth!