Monday, December 13, 2010

Ist Lohri Invitations

Do you like 60's? It was

Obviously I'm talking about the great American series Mad Men !
Have you seen it?
I just finished a full immersion in the four series of the show and I was sooo impressed, especially with regard to the costumes!

Perhaps there have never spoken, but I have a serious addiction to the show (rigorously Made in USA ... For God's sake, that this beautiful country to stop producing those horrid fiction!). I do not love the film and a film rarely makes me crazy, but the television series is a real drug for me ... It 'true that Americans are really geniuses in this field!

Mad Men is a wonderful and accurate portrayal of the early '60s (beginning in 1960 and the fourth series ends in 1965), historical events and social changes of those years accompany the story of the protagonists: the presidential campaign that sees oppose Kennedy and Nixon, the Cuban missile crisis and the climate of fear caused by the cold war , the struggles for civil rights of blacks and the role of women in society, the death of Marilyn and the Kennedy assassination, the memory alive of World War II and the beginning of the Vietnam War.

move this background of stories that revolve around the main character in the series: Don Draper (Jon Hamm) fascinating past advertising by confusing and incurable womanizer.

The first two I am a bit 'slow for me, but from the mid third of the events become more interessanti.Se you have not seen it yet you can not miss it, if only for the fabulous costumes that show off the characters!

Women's series: the blonde Draper's wife, Betty (January Jones), the redhead Joan Holloway (Christina Hendricks) and Peggy Olsen (Elisabeth Moss)

No doubt Mrs. Draper is very nice and always beautifully dressed (this point of view is certainly the best) although this is a character who rtovo really unbearable, but my favorite is Joan!

Men: always elegant in their complete clean. What, indeed fascinating!
I like the man in a suit and tie and I love the style you show off the male characters of this show, nothing to do with some bad things that you see around today ... There is, in short, full and complete!
And what about Don Draper? but what is so well dressed? Then that in itself is not exactly my kind of man, but I find that Mad Men is absolutely irresistible!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wedding Dresses Selfredges


I can not wait to arrive!!
I was already convinced and almost all of your comments, please gave me the final push!
stop me now because I could start to buy shoes so compulsive ...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Good Thesis Statement Abortion

GO (L) D - TREVISO, December 11 2010 THE END OF THE WORLD

After a lot of paper and other supports a return to painting: so here it is, in friendly and familiar Eden Cafe Massaferro Pietro, Treviso and covered activities "off" TCBF (Treviso Comic Book Festival) my personal mini-"GO (L) D - The gods of Alberto Corradi . Within the lowbrow movement'm evolving in new directions some of my issues, developing the discussion started with the exhibition Eye Dumb in Stockholm at the Carina Björck Galleri . These are the rehearsals for the project-show "Dark Gold" in the meantime, here's what you'll find in Treviso from Saturday.

"Gods, Saints & Martyrs. Gold, red & black.

creatures, alien gods, associated with some of the issues by now" classic "Alberto Corradi: monsters, eyes, hearts and tears. Tears flow with the unstoppable flow of time, that eternal pain and contemplation in a golden empty mystical and eternal darkness. "

11th December 2010 to 8 January 2011.
is inaugurated on December 11, 2010 at 19:30.
Dark DJ sets by The Twin Freaks .
For the event on Facebook Click HERE .
Soon more news and photo gallery.
Enjoy & Stay tuned.

How To Build A Bridge From Balsa Wood

A difficult choice ...

What can I do in this dark period of my life if you do not buy shoes?!
I know I'm manic ... And any excuse to throw me into a new purchase ...
In my defense, I mean that I saw last night the second film of Sex and the City (it was even now) and I could not remain indifferent in the face of all those beautiful shoes ...
I want the damn closet Carrie!
Assuming that my new apartment in Milan will be large, more or less, as his shoes area, I see it quite difficult ...
My only hope is to find a Mr. Big, you are accepting nominations!

Okay, back to reality: the insane My need for new shoes.
few days ago I returned to snoop on YOOX (do not do it often because it is a real danger to my poor credit card ...) and I have miraculously found a pair of sandals Marni off wheels on which months, to make matters worse the only number left is mine! It 'definitely a sign of fate, is not it?
This unexpected discovery has put me in an awkward position: I was now seriously considering to give me for Christmas off of the Miu Miu and I also did a little thought about a French girl discovered by Brooks Brothers to a very affordable price ...

I need some wise advice! The Miu Miu
are really fabulous, but the price is a bit 'Altino ... The Frenchman
are very nice but also quite common and I already have a couple very similar ...
Marni sandals? Lono my first choice! What do you think


€ 215 on Yoox

Miu Miu

€ 340

Brooks Brothers

€ 84

Monday, November 29, 2010

Dark Bloody Thick Mucus Period

In my closet! London

Yves Saint Laurent

PS: In London, I enjoyed a lot, I loved it! Thanks for all the advice you gave me in my previous post!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ftv Midnight Streaming

At a time when the climate seems to twist all its strength against the man and the Nature calls for revenge raped, there are apocalypses controlled and beautiful, bearing a fine only in name, but that mark new beginnings shining. As in the case The end of the world of William Cappiotti, debut album of this young singer-songwriter from Verona. I had the pleasure of creating such graphics, supported by photographic mastery Mauro Novels and set design by John Milanese.
Heartfelt thanks to Silvia de Chirico, who hosted the set of the apocalypse drama unfolding between the pages of the booklet.
The album is released under the auspices of Manzanilla Records Franco Manzini, registered in the studies Sottoilmare Luca Tacconi and distributed by Audioglobe . To listen I refer here , his myspace, Click HERE to buy it instead . In addition to its sophisticated packaging
music curated by Artistic Director Andrea Screws (Karma , Afterhours, Juan Mordecai ) William is the ideal size of live, as has demonstrated in the recent concert at ' Emporio Malkovich in opening Edda (formerly Tribal Rhythm).
Listen, live and on disc.
Enjoy & Stay tuned.

Future tour dates
Fri 26/11/2010 - Garden Club (VR) William Cappiotti + Carry on
Sat 27/11/2010 - Arci Aurora (Now, BZ)
William Cappiotti Facciascura + + Karma
Fri 05/12/2010 - Amanita Night @ Dairy Molloy (Brescia)
William Cappiotti + Andrea Screws (Karma) + + Facciascura Giancarlo Onorato + Cristiano Godano
Sat 12/11/2010 - Circle Walla ( Trento) - William Cappiotti
Fri 17/12/2010 - Live Acoustic House Muggia (Treviso)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sell Used Dance Costumes

+ new haircut

Next Tuesday I will fly to London with my friends Helen and Sissi for a quick but intense day of shopping! You have some nice
shop recommend? Something I can not miss?

Finally I decided to make a drastic cut to my already unmanageable hair.
I really needed to change and the result has left me very satisfied!
I also did the color, it should be noted that not a lot, but has some good reflexes! The hairdresser has called "chestnut brown skin" ... Mah ..
What do you think?
The photo is schifissimo, I know ... I will spare those who were really in front of indecent!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Can A Mucus Plug Be Yellow And Chunky At 37 Weeks

Miu Miu shoes and skirt camel

Sorry for the prolonged absence from the universe really blogghistico is not a good time, unfortunately ...
And, like any self-respecting bad time, but you will have to console a girl in some way, or not?
And what's better than a nice pair of shoes?! Absolutely nothing!
Unfortunately, the bad period also includes a very limited badget ...
For now then, I simply make an inspection: I have tried and I could see that they are really cool, I've walked into a little shop with the burr the mouth and I was certain that 14 inches of heels will never be comfortable, then I sold the saleswoman sadly ... Sigh sob!
shoes But do not worry dear, I bet and you will be mine! I do not know well when, but it will happen!

I open a small parenthesis controversy (I figured if I could find something to argue ...).
But what do you think there is some people to be photographed with heads provided by the shop and claim to have had the great opportunity to wear them?
not know that the shops provide a chance to try a head even if you do you buy?
will understand that satisfaction ... I would also like to say

sciura, Miu Miu store that screamed like a slaughtered chicken to nephew "I'll get my coat and also two pairs of shoes, then we go to Fay that I take you down the well!" which is just a hick, and that no one cares to know how full of money! What people ...

back to important things ... I did not take his shoes, but at least I finally got the skirt from Zara that I ordered online site! By
get the package to a store where you do not even pay the shipping! What then WOULD BE

well well together is not it?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Elf Elf Bowling Online

Zara H & M + Lanvin

And here, on time like a cold in the winter, comes the new H & M collection in collaboration with yet another big name in fashion. This time it's Lanvin ...
These collaborations have the magical power to expire in my eyes when designers aveveo estimate! Also arriving on time

dozens of post announcing the big event.
stress the anxious wait for the arrival in stores of that collection, be sure to let us know what each chapter is adorable and sigolo keen to specify who will fight with tooth and nail just to take possession ...

Now this leaves me very incredulos!
First, I just can not understand how to wait in line in front of a window of H & M, quivering to be able to touch the usual poor quality that the brand we propina!
Second, but really there even remotely see the work of one of these great designers?! You really believe that these are even remotely interested in this lousy collaboration?! But please! At most have provided two pictures of the models that were plagiarized ...
Last but most important thing of all! How the hell do you to buy items of minimal materials and workmanship at a price five times just because there is the name of a famous fashion designer next to the usual H & M!
As long as I pay a 30 euro dress ok, there is, but 159?!
I mean, is that during ste collaborations magically blessed the quality of the materials off, nor the heads are produced at prestigious fashion houses by expert hands!

Usual stuff at stratospheric prices? No thanks, keep it!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Steak And Kidney Pudding Microwave

What do you think?

I find adorable ...

Rodo vintage 1950s

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Side Effects Of Sweet N' Low


Yes, I wrote well, with a question mark rather dell'esclamativo.
Macchissenefrega if our cities do not work nearly every ecological islands, which stands next to a sign in plain view of us that have been made with community funds.
Macchissenefrega, so there are new bins different: often overcrowded, most of the time displaced and distributed, as it happens, there's only one glass, all alone that of plastic, not always those present paper and cardboard.
Macchissenefrega if the collection is at present the only way to limit the ecological disasters from waste, with the appurtenances (environmental, social and public health) and some years we are learning to know, despite the inevitable complaints and bad information.
Macchissenefrega, then if the landfills are full, and you then realize at other sites, or worse to build incinerators, which nobody wants and that instead the public will accept and digest the vanguard of civilization and technology.
Here they are our ecological islands in video shot this morning, led flashing mocking, as if to reproach ourselves to be deluded, as if to say:

did not really think I was regularly running?

Back to the topic in question: macchissenefrega?
Or rather, who should give a damn about the functioning of ecological islands, who is responsible for their maintenance?
could, at least, indicate a telephone number for reporting in case of malfunction: too complicated?