Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ftv Midnight Streaming

At a time when the climate seems to twist all its strength against the man and the Nature calls for revenge raped, there are apocalypses controlled and beautiful, bearing a fine only in name, but that mark new beginnings shining. As in the case The end of the world of William Cappiotti, debut album of this young singer-songwriter from Verona. I had the pleasure of creating such graphics, supported by photographic mastery Mauro Novels and set design by John Milanese.
Heartfelt thanks to Silvia de Chirico, who hosted the set of the apocalypse drama unfolding between the pages of the booklet.
The album is released under the auspices of Manzanilla Records Franco Manzini, registered in the studies Sottoilmare Luca Tacconi and distributed by Audioglobe . To listen I refer here , his myspace, Click HERE to buy it instead . In addition to its sophisticated packaging
music curated by Artistic Director Andrea Screws (Karma , Afterhours, Juan Mordecai ) William is the ideal size of live, as has demonstrated in the recent concert at ' Emporio Malkovich in opening Edda (formerly Tribal Rhythm).
Listen, live and on disc.
Enjoy & Stay tuned.

Future tour dates
Fri 26/11/2010 - Garden Club (VR) William Cappiotti + Carry on
Sat 27/11/2010 - Arci Aurora (Now, BZ)
William Cappiotti Facciascura + + Karma
Fri 05/12/2010 - Amanita Night @ Dairy Molloy (Brescia)
William Cappiotti + Andrea Screws (Karma) + + Facciascura Giancarlo Onorato + Cristiano Godano
Sat 12/11/2010 - Circle Walla ( Trento) - William Cappiotti
Fri 17/12/2010 - Live Acoustic House Muggia (Treviso)


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