Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Can Bloating Be From After Being Ill

FANGOFF! VERONA 26/27.03.2011

by Alberto Corradi & Ale Giorgini

November 2010: Fangoff the event! Born in Vicenza, where later the same month that the flood hit the provinces of Verona, Vicenza and Padua, Ale Giorgini manufactures and sells a special edition of 400 copies of a poster with his character mascot Cocoa, donating a proceeds of more than 1400 € to civic committee of the City of Caldogno "Caldogno Next."
March 2011: Fangoff experience! continues at Ciber Sentence of Verona. This time the initiative developed together with Alberto Corradi calls together a group of twenty artists, mostly from the Veneto, for a bazaar of original works, always with the aim to contribute to aid for flood victims of Triveneto. Each author was involved
invited to create one or more designs size 15x15 cm in freestyle, with a nominal retail set at € 50 net per piece .
The exhibition brings together artists working in mainstream comics as independent professionals, ranging from collaborations with magazines from newsstands Aurea Editorial & Baldini Castoldi Dalai, Bonelli, Disney Italy, Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso, the stables of the best publishers Italian and foreign comics and illustration which Coniglio Editore, Black Velvet Editrice, Casterman, De Agostini Editore, Edizioni BD, Franco Cosimo Panini, Giunti Editore, Hazard Edizioni, Kappa Publishing, Marvel U.S., Mondadori Ragazzi, Rizzoli-Lizard, until Soleil underground of self and reality, through the art market tout court and various trials.

Fangoff of artists!
Paul Bacilieri - Diego Bao - Elia Bonetti - Eleanor Bovo - Osvaldo Casanova - David Ceccon - Alberto Corradi - Alberto Dal Lago - Maurizio Ercole - Luca Genovese - Giorgini Ale - Alessandro Gottardo - Gianmaria Liani - Gianluca Maconi - Mauro Marchesi - Nicholas Pellizzon - Bruno Head - Frances Daphne Vignaga - Melissa Zanella - Milena Zanotelli

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