Friday, September 10, 2010

Mysore Mallige Free Clip

Treviso, September

While the second episode of Count Vlad is on the air in all the pages on newsstands italiote Linus and XL Monster & Dead cross bones and dance with none other than the Ramones, I make a short post to remind all concerned that in Treviso, 25 to 26 September will be held again this year Treviso Comic Book Festival, an event in constant transformation and progress, every year more surprises and interesting events, like the Ultra Toy Night on the night of September 24 will feature, intent to customization (ie paint, under the astonished eyes of the onlookers, neutral toys are unique to your collection) of defenseless artoyz addition to myself Shanti Ranchetti, Phil Toys, Massimo Giacon , Tuono Pettinato, Thomas Fields, Officina Infernale, Nicola Ferrara, Matteo de Longis, Sagramola Giulia, Luca Genovese , Cento Canesi, Marina Patarnello, Kaya & Cyro's!
There will also be the presentation of the festival t-shirts and logo of the association attached Comics on TV made by ... guess'.
you there!
Stay tuned.


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