Monday, December 14, 2009

Conching Machine Chocolate


Photo by Massimo Giacon

Et voila, the opening night of ArteSagra to MondoPOP was a huge success, public sollucchero for the courtesies for guests, the works on display, the live performance of Pasta & Potatoes and Christmas raffle, with as many as 3 of 3 original signed up for grabs along with many other sketches and work of all participating artists. Many of the authors of the works, including the acrobatic Massimo Giacon, Fidia, Bol23, Zelda Bomba and do the honors as always Diavù and Serena together Giorgio that have gorged Vin Santo and cantuccini the thirsty bystanders! For the complete photographic record of the evening Click HERE!
Enjoy & Stay tuned.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Home Depot Welding Machine

Naples contradictions

Back from Naples, the feeling is always the same.
she took me into his "specialness" to the mix of architectural and scenic beauty and the spirit of all Neapolitan art arrangements and ' Ammuina , confusion, which does not leave anybody indifferent.
But even its contradictions, strong and not comparable to other cities in the beautiful country.
The contradictions that summarize the location between Saint Lucia and that Pallonetto hundred meters from the spectacular gallery, theater, S. Charles Square and the waterfront north Plebiscite.
You go from the reality of the neighborhood S. Lucia, with narrow streets and tall buildings trees, where you live each day elbow, and through a winding road and steep downhill, like a spinning top, you find yourself in one of the most stunning scenery and picturesque in the world (and not me define these, but in fact the whole world that we envy them).
And I want to clarify, I am not speaking of clichés, the reality is that oozes from every corner the city.
magnificent palaces everywhere, sumptuous, but in a state of utter neglect, areas where there is widespread and continuous presence of security forces, as Piazza Garibaldi, but in any case where there is so much tolerance to allow anyone to do your convenience, illegal traders, almost exclusively outside the Community, the usual suspects of the three bells or three cards.
City tourism, with throngs of visitors from everywhere, especially during this Christmas period, but without any structural information available, even with regard to urban transport. Cities that should be visited without prejudice, but, paradoxically, with all due care case.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Demodex Folliculorum Price


on December 12 in that of MondoPOP in Via dei Greci 30 (cross Via del Corso) in Rome was inaugurated ArteSagra . They take part in the exhibition, besides myself (and soon will post my picture "QCagna"), Bol 23, Fidia , Massimo Giacon . Br1 art, Mr. Klevra, Little Man 71, 999, Alic'è, Marco About , David Vecchione - Diavù , Diamond, JB Rock, Cesko, Kaf, AlePOP, Licia Viero, Zelda Bomba, Jade Wooden Boxes, Allegra Corbo, Yuri Yuri Gagarin & Bros, Sten, Lex, Thu Pistone (Serpeinseno), Camilla Falsini (Serpeinseno), Sone, Gianzo , Valerio Pierbattista, Bebosoho. Cantuccini, vin santo and other delights await visitors who want to join the devotees in the chapel of MondoPOP.
For more info click HERE .
Stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sore Throat, Blood In Phlegm And Fever


freshly returned from the festival MEI (Meeting of Independent Labels) in Faenza, where the stand of XL was lit by cartoons AleAaarg Giorgini, Diavù and Alepop . Dedications, in addition to the above, as always, myself and Massimo Giacon , while the wording of XL or Luca Valtorta, Gianni Santoro Valeria Rusconi and document the meeting. Saturday gremitissimo meeting interesting and XL on "The country is real," with the participation of Manuel Agnelli, Santasangre , Paolo Lorenzoni of Current TV, Niccolo Ammaniti and Matteo Casali, Sara Mattioli & Lee Bermejo to Marvel Italy. Sunday took place the presentation of Noir Babel, the draft Marco Notari which I attended with two illustrations (one in the preview you see above) along with a large group of authors, coordinated by David Elder for MondoPOP . Thanks to Marco for believing in our work and Maddalena, Roberto Sburlati John Vignola and that was the speaker and the audience came to hear us. And thanks to Chicco & of Checco Montefiori Cocktail , Barbara Castiello, Laura, Federica, Anna, Claire and Luke, Saragreg , Caesar the father of my fans who came up to Michael Faenza (also) to get dedicate a copy of Smilodonte and all people who have gone to visit Saturday and Sunday!
Friday 4 instead of the TPO in Bologna Via Casarini 17 / 4 at 19.00 in the company of the authors and Flavia Tommasini presentation of the third edition of the journal "BURP! Bowel Chart Delusions" (coincidence Noir is an illustration of Babel theme) that hosts an interview with myself and as a bonus cut from a papercraft toy for your pleasure monstrous! After the presentation I entertain with the public holds forth on my latest productions.
I expect many, meanwhile, now and forever ...
Stay tuned.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pokemon Game For Cydia

DTT, and already I am exhausted!

I'm sick of the hype about going digital terrestrial television in the various regions until 2012, which will provide full coverage (?) DTT signal on the Italian territory.
And where the DTT signal does not reach (and talk about 3 say 3 million people)? We will support the satellite signal, which is already broadcasting the same package of channels of digital terrestrial. The question arises: why not aim directly at a satellite platform, with all the problems that inevitably leads to the terrestrial signal and the fact that the "old" antenna systems must be restored to ensure a sufficient reception?
How well here in Foggia receive DTT channels of RAI and Mediaset, without putting his hand to the antenna? And those who did not want to change the television receiver will still buy?
be wrong, but I think the DTT technology is already dead in its tracks.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Vintage Harley Decals

There are between seasons ... or maybe you

There are reports that trouble me, some for their objective content, others for thinking they impose.
That's publication "hackeriana" e-mail traffic between the best minds that have dealt in recent years, of analysis and processing of data related to global warming, certainly belongs to the second row.
The authenticity of mail, many of which dated nineties, it has been confirmed by the same authors, but they tend to minimize the "news" manipulation of data designed to prove the goodness of catastrophic climate models.
He thought that the data base of studies and investigations are handled and taken to their own use and consumption by the international scientific community, and then we can talk about anything and everything to convince us otherwise, without ever having the certainty of always knowing the reality of things.
This feeling of loss is not disappointment, we all know by now what the media should be read with a critical mind and serenity, and until now we had even before this news.
But we are talking about climate, environment, planet earth, and I never thought in a direction that drives the scientific data to prove the theories and algorithms of food scientists and the climate pessimism. Or at least I would have thought the existence of pressure in the other direction, to discredit catastrophic global warming.
Boh, which prodest , who benefits? And most importantly, who and what, now, can we trust?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Security Light Diagram


Tomorrow, Saturday 14 at 11.00 am in the Library UbikLibri Via Bolzano Clusters 7, Hannes Pasqualini accomplice, together with a brief look at the balloon-no word, I will present the 'work of master Thomas Ott ... scratch board of the Swiss star will not be present because absorbed by other pressing commitments, but you can soak up the elevated talk of the undersigned and purchase his four volumes four Exit , The number 73304-23-4153-6-96-8 , Cinema Panopticum Tales and published by the error Black Velvet Editrice Bologna. The presentation is part of Bolzano Comic Festival and is a corollary to the lavish exhibition at the Swiss Teutonic note of our nightmares.
waiting for you! Meanwhile, now and forever,
Stay tuned.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sunfish Spécifications


Now Saturday, November 7 in all music stores, here Babel Noir of Marco Notari : the booklet contains 13 stories of the musician, each richly illustrated. The artistic director of the graphic part of the disc is David "Diavù" Old , pencils along with myself, AlePOP , Zelda Bomba, Massimo Giacon , AleAaargh Giorgini, Alice, Roberto Amoroso, Alessandro Baronciani and Marco "About" Bevis. Guest star Louis Piccatti, illustrating the story "Chrysalis." Find juicy preview of the site XL with two stories, illustrated by M. Baronciani AleAaargh and, by clicking HERE and HERE.
If you want to buy online instead Click HERE !
Curious? Want to see my two pictures? See you soon on these screens!
Stay tuned.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fell On Elbow Swollen And Painful

JACK Skellington OF SPADES

Looking forward to post the usual reports from the festival of Lucca Comics & Games , here is a jack of spades, which is now proudly displayed in a bunch of soldiers just somewhere in the city of Belgrade!
Enjoy & Stay tuned.

Friday, October 23, 2009

How Much Does Cataract Surgery Cost In Hyderabad


blood on Halloween Night!
On 31 October at 19.30 at the central Edison Bookstore of Lucca (behind Piazza Napoleone, where are the stands of Publishers HERE for the map), the undersigned, the master of horror Paul Orazio, Luigi Boccia, Claudio Calia and Liri Trevisanello have Thirst: 15 Italian vampires your favorite vampire anthology and my care and Massimo Perissinotto . Rivers alternate with fangs sangre performance design! While during the previous days, at the stand of Rabbit Publisher not miss the wonderful evening at the invitation-cards made by the eclectic Barcaroli Sebastian, author of the cover! We look forward to many!
Enjoy & Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Create Your Own Wrestling Cloth

Photo by Mauro Novels, the second from the exhibition "Faces of Comic"
held at ' Eden Café Treviso during the Comic Book Festival

Giulia had a little drawing

Flavia's hand, My favorite press office (with Lucrezia, of course)

calm before the storm Romics 2009: Tuono Pettinato
in a moment of religious contemplation. Ale Giorgini seeking Nirvana through

The Dr. Pira strikes back!